Network Builds

James Yates j.yates at
Wed Mar 10 07:57:19 UTC 2004

That would be great. Although I have attempted a cpu and bsp port for
rtems, I am still a relative newbie, so any help is very much

	Many thanks in advance.

		James Yates

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Johns [mailto:cjohns at] 
Sent: 10 March 2004 06:21
To: James Yates
Cc: rtems-users at
Subject: Re: Network Builds

James Yates wrote:
> Can anyone also point me in the direction of some
> more information on using the CS8900 driver located in libchip.

I have an updated libchip driver for the CS8900 with a new readme that I

hope helps. It provides the missing doco I think you are looking for.

I have cleaned up some driver issues when getting support for DIMMPC 
(pc386) working and so may break some existing users of the driver. The 
changes are worth making.

Joel, is it ok if I commit the changes to head ?

  Chris Johns, cjohns at cybertec . com . au

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