Console question

Eric Norum norume at
Thu Nov 4 18:51:53 UTC 2004

Ian Caddy wrote:

> Using fgetc, as soon as I had a timeout from termios, it was all over 
> and I got EOF returned from fgetc whenever I called it without even a 
> timeout.
> This fgetc is in newlib and if it gets returned 0 characters from the 
> lower levels, it marks that it is at the end of the file.  After this 
> time, even if new characters come into termios, it still returns EOF 
> straight away, not even waiting for the timeout.

You can use clearerr(FILE *stream) to reset the flag.

Eric Norum                                 norume at
Advanced Photon Source                     Phone: (630) 252-4793
Argonne National Laboratory

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