
Eric Norum norume at aps.anl.gov
Mon Nov 15 14:29:47 UTC 2004

Ian Caddy wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> Steve Holle wrote:
>> Good question.  I guess that because my interrupt is filling the 
>> buffer my idea was that I need to synchronize the data with the server 
>> thread.  I guess I could double buffer it.  Would it be possible just 
>> to call the socket sendto function directly from the interrupt?  I 
>> wasn't sure about that.  Also, if I need to receive data in a server, 
>> can I use the same socket or do I need to open another?
> I don't think it would be wise to call the sednto directly from the 
> interrupt, as most of the TCP stack uses the calling tasks (or isr) time 
> to make up the TCP frames, so it could spend quite a lot of time in there.

I can assure you that calling *any* network stack routine from an interrupt 
handler will definitely result in disaster.

Eric Norum                                 norume at aps.anl.gov
Advanced Photon Source                     Phone: (630) 252-4793
Argonne National Laboratory

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