-B option when compiling (w/C++ question)

Smith, Gene gene.smith at siemens.com
Wed Nov 24 15:28:41 UTC 2004

Joel Sherrill <joel at OARcorp.com> wrote, On 11/24/2004 9:27 AM:
> Right now, my personal pet peeve one is that the PowerPC BSPs use
> rtems_crti.S and only those BSPs which do the magic right in the
> bsp_specs and the Makefile get C++ global ctors and dtors. This
> should move to part of gcc proper.

This caught my attention. My app is PPC and involves moving to rtems 
some legacy code that has some c++ components. Are there issues I should 
look out for to make sure random c++ based modules mesh with rtems ok?


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