
Ian Caddy ianc at microsol.iinet.net.au
Thu Nov 11 01:22:16 UTC 2004

Hi Steve,

rtems_message_queue_send is allowed from conforming interrupts.  In 
other words interrupts that use rtems_interrupt_catch to establish them.

It is also important to note that any lower priority interrupt than the 
one where you are calling RTEMS functions must also be conforming 

When you say hangs, do you mean the processor stops (I think from memory 
you are using a Coldfire?) you should be able to put a BDM onto your 
system with gdb and run it normally until it stops.  Then get control 
back in gdb and it should indicate where the more than likely bus error 
is, to see if you can narrow down your problem.

I hope this helps,

Ian Caddy

Steve Holle wrote:
> I have what is probably a basic question about 
> rtems_message_queue_receive.  If I am using rtems_message_queue_receive 
> with the RTEMS_WAIT attribute set in a server thread, can I fill the 
> thread using rtems_message_queue_send in an interrupt?  It seems almost 
> as if the rtems_message_queue_send is being blocked by the 
> rtems_message_queue_receive and my code hangs in the interrupt.
> On the other hand, I may be doing something really stupid ;-}
> Steve Holle
> Link Communications, Inc.
> 1035 Cerise Rd.
> Billings, MT  59101
> sholle at link-comm.com 

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