Task Information from a Debugger

Mark VanderVoord markvandervoord at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 16 14:43:11 UTC 2004

It appears that this macro has an error.  It references on the pc field
of the Context_Control structure.  This structure, however, changes
from platform to platform.  The MIPS architecture, for example, doesn't
have a field called "pc" in this structure.

Fortunately, it appears that this variable is not actually being used.
If the lines:

       set $thread_pc = $pt->Registers.pc

        printf ""

are removed, the macro runs as desired.

I have updated the wiki to reflect this as well.

Mark S VanderVoord
Self-Guided Systems, LLC

--- Leon Pollak <leonp at plris.com> wrote:

> Attached is the file I received from Joel (thanks a lot to him) which
> does 
> what you want.
> just call the dump_tasks macro.
> Regards
> -- 
> Leon M.Pollak
> leonp at plris dot com

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