Easy DOSFS question

Victor V. Vengerov Victor.Vengerov at oktetlabs.ru
Fri Nov 26 10:13:49 UTC 2004


Joel Sherrill <joel at OARcorp.com> wrote:

>> Because RTEMS follows to POSIX for file operations, it is reasonable 
>> to implement statvfs()/fstatvfs(), as they are defined in POSIX (or, 
>> at least, in man 2 statvfs :-) ).
> Not on the Linux box I am using to answer this. :(

I'm using Fedora 2 and 2.6.7 kernel. It is quite possible that statvfs() 
appears in 2.6 kernel. man page claims that statvfs() conforms to POSIX. 
In older linux kernel, similar syscalls statfs(), fstatfs() were used.

I have attached man pages for both of them.

I have no POSIX in my hands, so I couldn't check statvfs() definition 
against standard.


Victor Vengerov
OKTET Labs, St.-Petersburg, Russia  http://www.oktetlabs.ru
Phone: +78124286709 (office) +78129389372 (mobile) +78124281653 (home)

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