timer in ISR

sebastian ssmoller sebastian.ssmoller at gmx.net
Sat Oct 2 15:27:39 UTC 2004

i try to use rtems_timer_fire_after() in a CAN Bus ISR. unfortunately this
doesnt seem to work. 

i set the timer to 1000 where in non-isr code this
is a rather long period while using this code in the isr the timer service
routine seems to be executed immediately ...

so should it be generally possible to use rtems_timer_fire_after() in isr
code ?

if not, what about accessing the hardware timers directly (without rtems) -
could this be possible in an isr ?

any other ideas ? - (i need the timer to impl. somethink like a "sync
point" so that some part of the CAN bus isr is not executed til some time
has passed) 


cpu : m68k
bsp : gen68360_040

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