Timing of events in an ISR

Mark VanderVoord markvandervoord at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 19 12:13:12 UTC 2004

OK, all my tasks have been declared with the following


According to the MIPS supplement, interrupt level 0
means that it should allow all interrupts, so I
believe that these settings are correct.

I've also tried to create them all with
RTEMS_DEFAULT_MODE, with the same effect.

This morning, I changed the setup so that only this
task is launched from Init.  Init then suspends itself
as before.  This also has the same effect.

Finally, I added a mode change to the init task, right
before I suspend it, to make its mode preemptable and
interrupt level 0.  Again, no change.  I can rework
things so that the Init task is deleted if you think
that will help, but I believe this test shows that it
is not the issue.

Mark S VanderVoord
Self-Guided Systems, LLC

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