Console Driver Serial Port

Steve Holle sholle at
Tue Oct 26 13:46:44 UTC 2004

Are you sure that either one serial port is DCE and the other DTE or that 
you are using a crossover cable?

At 03:47 AM 10/26/2004, RCEDAZO wrote:
>I want to tell you some questions in order that you can help me:
>I installed RTEMS. I have got two computers connected via serial port.
>What I want to do is to redirect the target's output to the development
>I am examinating the files like console.c, termios.c ... but I haven't
>found a solution.
>Can you help me?
>Thank you very much.

Steve Holle
Link Communications, Inc.
1035 Cerise Rd.
Billings, MT  59101
sholle at  

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