Maximum number of messages in a message queue ?

Rolf Schroedter Rolf.Schroedter at
Mon Sep 6 08:52:17 UTC 2004

RTEMS 4.6, leon-sparc

Is there a maximum number of messages in a message queue ?
I'm asking, because I'm failing to create a message queue
with 150000 messages, 8 bytes each (error code=5: "too many").
Creating the same queue with ~130000 messages succeeds.
Increasing the starting stackpointer (should increase the heap ?)
doesn't help.

Any help is appreciated.
Thanks and regards,

Rolf Schroedter
German Aerospace Center
Institute of Planetary Research
D-12489 Berlin, Rutherfordstrasse 2
Tel/Fax:  (+49) (30) 67055-416/384
Email:    Rolf.Schroedter at

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