Extracting GoAhead

Thomas Doerfler Thomas.Doerfler at imd-systems.de
Wed Sep 8 17:45:14 UTC 2004


when I did similar extractions for rtems-4.5.0, I added an 
include search path to my application makefile.

The following lines are totally hacked, but maybe this is a 
start for you:

(Ralf, please don't look TOO close to them, I don't want to mess 
up your day!)

CFLAGS += -I/usr/local/src/rtems/rtems-4.5.0/tools/rtems-4.5.0/c/src/libnetworking/rtems_webserv

CPPFLAGS += -I/usr/local/src/rtems/rtems-4.5.0/tools/rtems-4.5.0/c/src/libnetworking/rtems_webse

You should adapt them to point to your installed headers (now 
somewhere under /opt/rtems-4.6.0/... I guess), and I am sure 
there are some make variables pointing to the installation path.


> I'm trying to extract the webrom.c file from the rtems build and build it 
> with my application instead but I'm hitting a brick wall.  Webrom.c 
> includes wsIntrn.h
> which includes tons of other headers requiring all kinds of defines that I 
> really don't think I need.  I think all I really need is the definitions for :
> websRomPageIndexType
> T
> The following is the entire webrom.c created by the webcomp program :
> /*
>   * webrom.c -- Compiled Web Pages
>   *
>   * Compiled by GoAhead WebCompile: Tue Sep 07 14:00:38 2004
>   */
> #include "wsIntrn.h"
> #ifndef WEBS_PAGE_ROM
> websRomPageIndexType websRomPageIndex[] = {
>      { 0, 0, 0 },
> };
> #else
> static const unsigned char page_0[] = {
>       60,104,116,109,108, 62, 13, 10, 60,104,101, 97,100, 62, 13, 10,
>       60,116,105,116,108,101, 62, 84, 67, 66, 50, 32, 67,111,109,109,
>       97,110,100, 60, 47,116,105,116,108,101, 62, 13, 10, 60,108,105,
>      110,107, 32,114,101,108, 61, 34,115,116,121,108,101,115,104,101,
>      101,116, 34, 32,104,114,101,102, 61, 34,115,116,121,108,101, 47,
>      110,111,114,109, 97,108, 95,119,115, 46, 99,115,115, 34, 32,116,
>      121,112,101, 61, 34,116,101,120,116, 47, 99,115,115, 34, 62, 13,
>       10, 60, 37, 32,108, 97,110,103,117, 97,103,101, 61,106, 97,118,
>       97,115, 99,114,105,112,116, 32, 37, 62, 13, 10, 60, 47,104,101,
>       97,100, 62, 13, 10, 13, 10, 60, 98,111,100,121, 62, 13, 10, 60,
>      104, 49, 62, 84, 67, 66, 50, 32, 67,111,109,109, 97,110,100, 32,
>       84,101,115,116,105,110,103, 60, 47,104, 49, 62, 13, 10, 60,102,
>      111,114,109, 32, 97, 99,116,105,111,110, 61, 47,103,111,102,111,
>      114,109, 47, 84, 67, 66, 50, 67,109,100, 82,101,115,112,111,110,
>      115,101, 32,109,101,116,104,111,100, 61, 80, 79, 83, 84, 62, 13,
>       10, 13, 10, 60,116, 97, 98,108,101, 62, 13, 10, 60,116,114, 62,
>       13, 10,  9, 60,116,100, 62, 67,111,109,109, 97,110,100, 58, 60,
>       47,116,100, 62, 60,116,100, 62, 60,105,110,112,117,116, 32,116,
>      121,112,101, 61,116,101,120,116, 32,110, 97,109,101, 61, 99,109,
>      100, 32,115,105,122,101, 61, 53, 48, 32,118, 97,108,117,101, 61,
>       34, 34, 62, 60, 47,116,100, 62, 13, 10, 60, 47,116,114, 62, 13,
>       10, 60,116,114, 62, 13, 10, 32, 32, 32, 32, 60,116,100, 62, 60,
>       47,116,100, 62, 13, 10, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 60,116,100, 32,
>       65, 76, 73, 71, 78, 61, 34, 67, 69, 78, 84, 69, 82, 34, 62, 32,
>       13, 10, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 60,105,110,112,117,116,
>       32,116,121,112,101, 61,115,117, 98,109,105,116, 32,110, 97,109,
>      101, 61,111,107, 32,118, 97,108,117,101, 61, 34, 79, 75, 34, 62,
>       32, 60,105,110,112,117,116, 32,116,121,112,101, 61,115,117, 98,
>      109,105,116, 32,110, 97,109,101, 61,111,107, 32,118, 97,108,117,
>      101, 61, 34, 67, 97,110, 99,101,108, 34, 62, 60, 47,116,100, 62,
>       13, 10, 60, 47,116,114, 62, 13, 10, 60, 47,116, 97, 98,108,101,
>       62, 13, 10, 67,111,112,121,114,105,103,104,116, 32, 40, 99, 41,
>       32, 71,111, 32, 65,104,101, 97,100, 32, 83,111,102,116,119, 97,
>      114,101, 32, 73,110, 99, 46, 44, 32, 50, 48, 48, 48, 45, 50, 48,
>       48, 48, 46, 32, 65,108,108, 32, 82,105,103,104,116,115, 32, 82,
>      101,115,101,114,118,101,100, 46, 13, 10, 60, 47,104,116,109,108,
>       62, 13, 10,
>      0 };
> websRomPageIndexType websRomPageIndex[] = {
>      { T("/tcb2cmd.asp"), page_0, 579 },
>      { 0, 0, 0 },
> };
> #endif /* WEBS_PAGE_ROM */
> How do I extract this file without all the extra headers.  I could just 
> duplicate the definitions but that seems tacky.
> Any other ideas?
> Steve Holle
> Link Communications, Inc.
> 1035 Cerise Rd.
> Billings, MT  59101
> sholle at link-comm.com  

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