How to add serial driver to RTEMS?

Joel Sherrill <> joel.sherrill at
Fri Sep 3 13:20:26 UTC 2004


Is this serial driver something which should be added
to libcpu/arm?

Yanjun Luo wrote:
> Hi all,
> My serial port driver running now!
> Thanks for Jay's kindly help, after I clean up the code,
> I'll send a patch. If anyone what the code now, I'll send
> my mass code to him:-)
> As I know before, 9200's USART is very similar with DBGU,
> so I port Jay's DBGU code to support USART, acctually I 
> only changed part of the DBGU'd driver.
> Regards,
> Yanjun Luo.
> On Wed, 1 Sep 2004 23:46:06 -0500, Jay Monkman wrote
>>On Wed, Sep 01, 2004 at 07:14:27PM +0800, Yanjun Luo wrote:
>>>my code:
>>>#define TEST_STRING	"This is only a USART test!\n"
>>>  fd0 = fopen ("/dev/console", O_RDWR);
>>>  if(fd0 == -1) printf("/dev/console open failed!!\n");       
>>>  else
>>>  	printf("console opened!\n");
>>>  fwrite(TEST_STRING,1,sizeof(TEST_STRING),fd0);
>>This is wrong. The second argument to fopen() is a string, like "r+"
>>or "a". You are using the argument for open(), which takes a number.
>>fopen() returns a FILE*, and open() returns an int. On failure, fopen
>>returns a NULL, so your test (fd0 == -1) is wrong.
>>Your call to open() probably failed because you didn't increase the
>>maximum number of file descriptors. The default is 3, just enough for
>>stdin, stdout, and stderr. You set the value by defining
>>Here's my test program:
>>#include <bsp.h>
>>#include <stdlib.h>
>>#include <stdio.h>
>>#include <stdlib.h>
>>#include <errno.h>
>>#include <sys/types.h>
>>#include <sys/stat.h>
>>#include <fcntl.h>
>>#include <string.h>
>>rtems_task Init(
>>  rtems_task_argument ignored
>>    int fd;
>>    extern int errno;
>>    FILE *fp;
>>    char string[] = "   testing ... 1 ... 2 ... 3\n";
>>    printf("Starting test\n");
>>    printf("Trying open()\n");
>>    fd = open("/dev/console", O_RDWR);
>>    if (fd < 1) {
>>        printf("open() returned an error (%d). errno = %d\n",
>>               fd, errno);
>>    } else {
>>        printf("Going to write() to /dev/console\n");
>>        write(fd, string, strlen(string));
>>        close(fd);
>>    }
>>    printf("open() done\n");
>>    printf("Trying fopen()\n");
>>    fp = fopen("/dev/console", "r+");
>>    if (fp == NULL) {
>>        printf("fopen() returned NULL. errno = %d\n", errno);
>>    } else {
>>        printf("Going to fwrite() to /dev/console\n");
>>        fwrite(string, strlen(string), 1, fp);
>>        fclose(fp);
>>    }
>>    printf("fopen() done\n");
>>    exit( 0 );
>>/* configuration information */
>>#include <confdefs.h>

Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research & Development
joel at                 On-Line Applications Research
Ask me about RTEMS: a free RTOS  Huntsville AL 35805
   Support Available             (256) 722-9985

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