task scheduling...

Ian Caddy ianc at microsol.iinet.net.au
Wed Sep 15 09:05:18 UTC 2004

Hi Francesco,

I might be wrong, but doesn't rtems_task_wake_after(0) do this for you? 
  It should just yield and put the task back in the ready list.

Ian Caddy

Francesco Poletti wrote:

> Hi all,
> one question about task scheduling...
> I'm pointing out that is not available a primitive that enable us to osyield
> (i.e. ask the os to schedule another task) and place that task in the back of
> the list of active task. Am I wrong?
> Is there some real time or scheduling constraint which doesn't allow to do that?
>  Because it results to me that also p-thread doesn't allow to do something
> similar....
> Thanks in advance Francesco.

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