Not quite (Cygwin build_alias bug hunt)

Scott Newell newell at
Sat Sep 18 20:37:51 UTC 2004

At 02:31 PM 9/18/2004 , Bogdan Vacaliuc wrote:
>So if you notice a test script 'hung' again (and if you have the extra
time), see if you can isolate the hung process and attach an
>strace to it 'strace --pid=<pid>' or 'gdb --pid=<pid>'.  I had the one
hang this AM, but I botched it.  It hasn't happened to me
>again all day...

I don't think this will help, but here's a hang after 216 iterations:

$ ps ax
      900       1     900        900  con  500 14:47:52 /usr/bin/bash
     1984       1    1984       1984  con  500 15:00:01 /usr/bin/bash
     1160     900    1160        472  con  500 15:03:31 /usr/bin/sh
     2548    1160    1160       3224  con  500 15:21:40 /usr/bin/bash
     2944    2548    1160       2944  con  500 15:21:44 /usr/bin/bash
I    2276    2548    1160       3392  con  500 15:21:44 /usr/bin/sort
     3396    2944    1160       3396  con  500 15:21:44 /usr/bin/bash
     3076    1984    3076       3228  con  500 15:23:49 /usr/bin/ps
$ strace --pid=2276
Attached to pid 2276 (windows pid 3392)
    4       4 [unknown (0xC88)] sort 2276 _cygtls::remove: wait 0x0
  302     306 [unknown (0xC88)] sort 2276 _cygtls::remove: removed
0x296F140 element 1     

$ strace --pid=2944
Attached to pid 2944 (windows pid 2944)
    4       4 [unknown (0xB4C)] bash 2944 _cygtls::remove: wait 0x0
  253     257 [unknown (0xB4C)] bash 2944 _cygtls::remove: removed 0xF4F140
element 1
$ strace --pid=2548
Attached to pid 2548 (windows pid 3224)
    4       4 [unknown (0xB64)] bash 2548 _cygtls::remove: wait 0x0
  232     236 [unknown (0xB64)] bash 2548 _cygtls::remove: removed
0x164F140 element 2                                     

$ strace --pid=1160
Attached to pid 1160 (windows pid 472)
    4       4 [unknown (0x854)] sh 1160 _cygtls::remove: wait 0x0
  221     225 [unknown (0x854)] sh 1160 _cygtls::remove: removed 0xAAF140
element 1

$ strace --pid=900
Attached to pid 900 (windows pid 900)
    7       7 [unknown (0xA2C)] bash 900 _cygtls::remove: wait 0x0
  252     259 [unknown (0xA2C)] bash 900 _cygtls::remove: removed 0x162F140
element 2


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