
Fernando RUIZ CASAS correo at
Mon Sep 20 10:34:54 UTC 2004

On Fri, 17 Sep 2004 11:28:30 -0500
  "Joel Sherrill <joel at>" 
<joel.sherrill at> wrote:
> Steve Holle wrote:
>> At 02:27 AM 9/17/2004, Fernando RUIZ CASAS wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>   But you must put attention.
>>>   When the session is closed a delete_task_var in 
>>>automatic free when 
>>> close can crash the memory.
>>>   This is a bad behavior for this option.
>> I'm not sure I quite understand your message.  Am I 
>>using the 
>> rtems_initialize_telnetd(); incorrectly?
> When a task is deleted, the RTEMS task variable code 
>calls a
> user provided destructor on the variable.  The code in 
> was not updated after it was changed (if I remember 
> from a * to a ** passed in.  I think that's what he is 
> to.
>Fernando.. have you moved?  I didn't remember you being 
Hi, I'm in France.
The comment is about a lot of changes had in the 
The task var delete free option (destructor) in automatic 
mode passed like parameter in the rtems_create_task_var 
But this is a concern related by Till Staumam with his 
telnetd V 1.1 and there he proposes an forever = TRUE in 
order to avoid the system crash when the logout kill the 
task and the task var variable (private session 

See you.

>> I did get it to build, by the way, and I'm not sure how.
>>> See you.
>>> Fernando RUIZ.
>>> On Thu, 16 Sep 2004 12:06:03 -0500
>>>  "Joel Sherrill <joel at>" 
>>><joel.sherrill at> wrote:
>>>> Steve Holle wrote:
>>>>> Can anyone tell me how to enable telnetd ?  I've used 
>>>>>the same 
>>>>> technique I used on the other network functions as shown 
>>>>>in the code 
>>>>> below :
>>>>>         #ifdef ENABLE_NETWORKING
>>>>>                 std::cout << "  Starting  : Network 
>>>>> Initialization..." << std::endl ;
>>>>>                 std::cout.flush() ;
>>>>>           rtems_bsdnet_initialize_network ();
>>>>>                 std::cout << "  Completed : Network 
>>>>> << std::endl << std::endl ;
>>>>>                 std::cout.flush() ;
>>>>>         #endif
>>>>>         #ifdef ENABLE_FTPD
>>>>>                 std::cout << "  Starting  : FTP 
>>>>> << std::endl ;
>>>>>                 std::cout.flush() ;
>>>>>           rtems_initialize_ftpd();
>>>>>                 std::cout << "  Completed : FTP 
>>>>>Initialization." << 
>>>>> std::endl ;
>>>>>                 std::cout.flush() ;
>>>>>                 unsigned long temp = (unsigned 
>>>>>long)&TARFILE_SIZE ;
>>>>>           status = Untar_FromMemory((unsigned char 
>>>>> *)(&TARFILE_START), temp);
>>>>>         #endif
>>>>>         #ifdef ENABLE_WEB_SERVER
>>>>>                 std::cout << "  Starting  : Webserver 
>>>>> Initialization..." << std::endl ;
>>>>>                 std::cout.flush() ;
>>>>>           rtems_initialize_webserver();
>>>>>                 std::cout << "  Completed : Webserver 
>>>>> Initialization." << std::endl ;
>>>>>                 std::cout.flush() ;
>>>>>         #endif
>>>>>         #ifdef ENABLE_TELNETD_SERVER
>>>>>                 int rtems_initialize_telnetd ( void ) ;
>>>>>                 std::cout << "  Starting  : Telnet 
>>>>> Initialization..." << std::endl ;
>>>>>                 std::cout.flush() ;
>>>>>           rtems_initialize_telnetd();
>>>>>                 std::cout << "  Completed : Telnet 
>>>>> << std::endl ;
>>>>>                 std::cout.flush() ;
>>>>>         #endif
>>>>> I can find the source for rtems_initialize_telnetd  in 
>>>>>the source 
>>>>> tree but when I try to build I get the following error :
>>>>> C++ compiling /tcb2/source/
>>>>> Creating tcb2-debug.elf (linking)...
>>>>> ConfigureNetwork.o: In function `ConfigureNetwork()':
>>>>> ConfigureNetwork.o(.text+0x654): undefined reference to 
>>>>> `rtems_initialize_telnet
>>>>> d()'
>>>>> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>>>>> make[1]: *** [tcb2-debug.elf] Error 1
>>>>> make: *** [build] Error 2
>>>>> It appears that telnetd is not included in the rtems 
>>>>>build but I 
>>>>> can't figure out how to get it included.
>>>>> Any ideas?
>>>> None here.  I just checked some build logs on the 4.6 
>>>>tree and
>>>> telnetd.c is definitely being compiled.  The call is 
>>>> Can you do something like this?
>>>> XXX-rtems-nm --extern-only .../librtemsbsp.a | grep 
>>>> /opt/rtems-4.6/bin/mips-rtems-nm --extern-only 
>>>> /opt/rtems-4.6/mips-rtems/jmr3904/lib/librtemsbsp.a | 
>>>>grep telnet
>>>> telnetd.o:
>>>> 000002a0 T main_telnetd
>>>> 00000374 T register_telnetd
>>>> 000001b8 T rtems_initialize_telnetd
>>>> 00000000 T rtems_task_telnetd
>>>> 00000004 D telnetd_stack_size
>>>> 00000000 D telnetd_task_id
>>>> 00000008 D telnetd_task_priority
>>>> So that symbol is definitely in the mips/jmr3904 I had 
>>>>> Steve Holle
>>>>> Link Communications, Inc.
>>>>> 1035 Cerise Rd.
>>>>> Billings, MT  59101
>>>>> sholle at
>>>> -- 
>>>> Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research & 
>>>> joel at                 On-Line Applications 
>>>> Ask me about RTEMS: a free RTOS  Huntsville AL 35805
>>>>    Support Available             (256) 722-9985
>>> 51, Le clos des G?ts
>>> Rue de la gare
>>> 69730 Genay
>>> France
>>> EMAIL: correo At fernando-ruiz Dot com
>> Steve Holle
>> Link Communications, Inc.
>> 1035 Cerise Rd.
>> Billings, MT  59101
>> sholle at 
> -- 
> Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research & 
> joel at                 On-Line Applications 
> Ask me about RTEMS: a free RTOS  Huntsville AL 35805
>    Support Available             (256) 722-9985

51, Le clos des G?ts
Rue de la gare
69730 Genay
EMAIL: correo At fernando-ruiz Dot com

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