Is there any way to know from where the C++ exception originates ?

Angelo Fraietta afraiett at
Tue Sep 21 22:31:43 UTC 2004

Bogdan Vacaliuc wrote:

>Hello Valery, Angelo:
>Unfortunately, there is little standards-mandated support for such items as the code is inherently non-portable.  The Java language
>has built-into its exception system the concept of a stack backtrace which is available in the exception handler to great
>popularity.  The same functionality is not widely available in C/C++ implementations.
I suspect that this would be a GCC question.

>This does not mean that it is not possible to obtain, it just means that you have to implement something specific for the
>arch/platform/compiler that you are using.

Angelo Fraietta

PO Box 859
Hamilton NSW 2303

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