recv timeout

Ian Caddy ianc at
Mon Sep 27 02:23:43 UTC 2004

We use the setsockopt as described by Eric.

Here is an example function that we use in our system:

int SetSocketTimeout(int connectSocket, int milliseconds)
    struct timeval tv;

	tv.tv_sec = milliseconds / 1000 ;
	tv.tv_usec = ( milliseconds % 1000) * 1000  ;

    return setsockopt (connectSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char 
*)&tv, sizeof tv);

Then when you are waiting to receive a packet, use the following function:

    iRc = recv(connectSocket, pTmpRxBuffer, u16MessageDataLen, 0 );

    if (iRc == 0)
       /* Socket has been disconnected */
       printf("\nSocket EOF\n");

       connectSocket = 0;
       return u32Rc;

    if(iRc < 0)
       printf("\nSocket recv returned %d, errno %d\n",iRc,errno);

       close(connectSocket); /* Close socket if we get an error */
       connectSocket = 0;

If iRc is positive, it gives you the number of chars received.

I hope this helps.


Ian Caddy

Angelo Fraietta wrote:
> Eric Norum wrote:
>> On Sep 24, 2004, at 11:57 AM, Steve Holle wrote:
>>> I have a simple socket application and I would like to timeout recv 
>>> after a fixed period of inactivity.  I found an article showing how 
>>> to do it using select but I am under the impression this is not 
>>> supported.
>>> What would be the best way to accomplish the timeout.
>> select() works with sockets, but is a very expensive call.  A better 
>> technique is to use the SO_RCVTIMEO socket option.
> Do you have an example or code snippet using it?.

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