rtems on m5282lite

g_YaneV g_yanev at bulpost.com
Sat Apr 9 15:16:16 UTC 2005


 I have m5282LITE bord and I run successfully uclinux on it. But I need a real 
time OS so I look in to rtems. In the CVS there is port to uCdimm board whit 
the same processor(uC5282). I modify   
c/src/lib/libbsp/m68k/uC5282/startup/linkcmds to correct the difference in 
RAM/FLASH base and size, and the value of _DownloadLocation to match my 
board. I set the UART speed to be 19200, and compile. I don't find any ather 
difference between uC5282 and m5282LITE. 
 But when I transfer any of the samples in my board RAM and execute them they 
all start but after a short time  the board hang. I modify hello_world to be 
a simple  loop from 1 to 1000 and each time to print the counter of the loop. 
Each time i run this program it hang on different place(from 5-th to 50-th 
printed messages).
 Where the problem can be? Can someone gave me any advice.


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