How to generate a map file

Jennifer Averett jennifer.averett at
Fri Apr 29 22:07:18 UTC 2005

Sorry, wrong answer.
Did you try the -M option on the linker script.


> Run object dump on the executable.
>>sparc-rtems-objdump -d hello.exe >
> Jennifer
>> Hi all,
>> We have a Tharsys SBC with ERC32 (chipset configuration) and we want to
>> run
>> RTEMS in it. I know that it's necessary to configure this board as the
>> BSP,
>> but first of all I would like to see a .map file of a "hello world"
>> application with the RTEMS binary.
>> Unfortunatelly, I didn't find any compiler option to generate this
>> output.
>> Is it possible to generate a memory map of the program with
>> sparc-rtems-gcc?
>> If yes, how?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Fabrício de Novaes Kucinskis - DEA / INPE
>> -----------------------------------------
>> Divisão de Eletrônica Aeroespacial
>> Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais

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