C++ compile

Stan zylog at wanadoo.fr
Thu Aug 4 15:03:13 UTC 2005


I use rtems-4.6.1, and I should like to compile a C++ application.

I include this rule in  <bsp>.cfg:

define make-cxx-exe
        $(LINK.cc) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(AM_CXXFLAGS) $(AM_LDFLAGS) \
            -o $(basename $@).exe \
            -Xlinker -Map -Xlinker mapfile $(LINK_OBJS) $(LINK_LIBS)

and my application Makefile calls $(make-cxx-exe) instead of $(make-exe):


However, some linker errors occur :
...undefined reference to 'rtemsStatusCode::last_status_string()'
...undefined reference to 'rtemsEvent::rtemsEvent[in-charge]()'
...undefined reference to 'rtemsTask::connect(const char*, unsigned)'

How to use LIBS flag ? 
-lrtems++ -lc or lrtemsall -lc ?

An idea ?

Thanks a lot.


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