Rolf Schroedter Rolf.Schroedter at dlr.de
Wed Aug 17 08:06:29 UTC 2005

Hi all,

I got an LWIP port running at Jiri Gaisler's Leon-board (Open Ethernet 
The initial RTEMS port was done by Karl Scheibelhofer (IAIK Graz).
I added the Open Ethernet driver (based on Jiri's NetBSD driver).

At a first glance it runs fine with the latest lwip-1.1.0
- Ping works in both directions.
- The LWIP sample httpd and telnetd daemons are running.

Are there still interested people to review it ?


Rolf Schroedter, German Aerospace Center

Joel Sherrill wrote:
 > Hi all,
 > I remembered that someone had a working LWIP port to RTEMS but
 > wanted a 2nd set of eyes before considering it worthy of
 > submission.  When I went back to search to see who it was,
 > I came up with a number of google references to LWIP RTEMS
 > ports.
 > So whoever has one, speak up now.  I have someone interested
 > in it who is willing to review it.  Then we can submit it back
 > to them and document what you have to know.
 > Please reply to the list if at all possible so we can have
 > the information archived.
 > Thanks.

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