Fwd: configuring memory size

Eric Norum norume at aps.anl.gov
Mon Dec 5 18:13:18 UTC 2005

> Looks like what I suggested won't work.   The linker complains if  
> the expressions in the  ORIGIN/LENGTH contain symbols even if those  
> symbols have been defined before the assignment.
> I guess that you'll need to have two separate linkcmds files and  
> use something like
> 	-Wl,-TlinkcmdsFor4MFlash
> or
> 	-Wl,-TlinkcmdsFor16MFlash
>> Eric Norum wrote:
>>>> You need to pass the --defsym option to the linker.
>>>> On the compile line, add something like
>>>>     -Wl,--defsym,_RamSize=0x10000000
>>>> On Dec 2, 2005, at 10:50 PM, D. Peter Siddons wrote:
>>>>> I have two boards which are identical except for the amounts  
>>>>> of  flash and RAM. The linkcmds file has definitions for these   
>>>>> parameters like:
>>>>> _RamSize = DEFINED(_RamSize) ? _RamSize : 0x7f0000;
>>>>> so my question is, can I invoke a definition somewhere in the   
>>>>> application make process to override the one in linkcmds? If  
>>>>> so,  how and/or where?
>>>>> Pete.
> -- 
> Eric Norum <norume at aps.anl.gov>
> Advanced Photon Source
> Argonne National Laboratory
> (630) 252-4793

Eric Norum <norume at aps.anl.gov>
Advanced Photon Source
Argonne National Laboratory
(630) 252-4793

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