edb7312 and SkyeEye followup - SUCCESS

Jay Monkman jtm at smoothsmoothie.com
Thu Dec 15 05:08:31 UTC 2005

I finally got a chance to try out skyeye. I did get the ticker test to run.
Of course, the delays between the printf()s are wrong, but they seem
proportional - 10 second delay appears to be twice a 5 second delay.

I tried this with my tree. I'm checking out the latest in CVS, and I'll give
that a try, tomorrow. I would expect it to also work.

The problem with running the ticker test was that RAM was at the wrong place.
Joel, you sent me a patch that moved SDRAM from 0x00000000 to 0xc0000000. That
wreaks havoc with the interrupts, and interrupts is what the ticker test tests.
(Say that fast five times!)

I kept the SDRAM and 0x00000000, and updated the config file, and Voila! it worked.

The only change I had to make to the RTEMS source was to comment out where
INTMR3 is cleared.

I've attached my config file and the patch I needed.

Tomorrow, after I've finished updating to the latest in CVS, I'll try that, too.
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