RTEMS port to Virtex-4/PowerPC

D. Peter Siddons siddons at bnl.gov
Wed Dec 14 13:50:09 UTC 2005

Hi Robert,
We are also beginning to think about this possibility, and would be keen 
to stay informed. At the least we could help with testing, although we 
are still in the process of buying boards and learning the tools.

Thomas Doerfler (nt) wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>it's nice to hear that there is some PPC40x activity again.
>Robert S. Grimes schrieb:
>>Hi all,
>>1. I suppose the processor I start with is libcpu/powerpc/ppc403 - is
>>this correct?
>yes, the 405 and the 403 are quite similar, and the differences have
>been implemented some time ago.
>>2. As for the BSP, do I start with libbsp/powerpc/gen405 - is this correct?
>once again yes, although the NIC might be different, but the basic stuff
>should be there.
>>Anyway, I would be happy to share my experiences, time allowing of
>>course, and of course any hints or pointers would be greatly
>>appreciated!  If others are interested in collaborating, or just want to
>>see how it's going, let me know...
>See my private mail on this ;->
>>RSG Associates
>>rsg at ll dot mit dot nospam dot edu
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>IMD Ingenieurbuero fuer Microcomputertechnik
>Thomas Doerfler           Herbststrasse 8
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>email:    Thomas.Doerfler at imd-systems.de
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