[Fwd: Building PPC Ada cross compiler (cygwin) usung gcc 3.4.3]

Avy Strominger astrominger at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 9 19:35:58 UTC 2005

Hello all.

I'm trying to build a powerPC cross Ada compiler, using GCC 3.4.3.  
during the gnatlib compilation (make -C gcc gnatlib), the build fails in 
the following way (this is the rebuilt log, so there are 'target is up 
to date messages for all targets that made it on the first time):

    make: Entering directory `/cygdrive/d/c-dev/tools/b-gcc/gcc'
    make -C ada "BISON=bison" "BISONFLAGS=" "CFLAGS=-g -W -Wall
    -Wwrite-strings -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -pedantic
    -Wno-long-long  " "LDFLAGS=" "FLEX=flex" "FLEXFLAGS=" "LN=ln"
    "LN_S=ln -s" "MAKEINFO=makeinfo" "MAKEINFOFLAGS=--no-split"
    "MAKEOVERRIDES=" "SHELL=/bin/sh" "exeext=.exe" "build_exeext=.exe"
    "objext=.o" "exec_prefix=/usr/local" "prefix=/usr/local"
    "datadir=/usr/local/share" "localedir=/usr/local/share/locale"
    "CC=gcc" "STAGE_PREFIX="  \
       GNATLIBFLAGS="-W -Wall -gnatpg" \
       GNATLIBCFLAGS="-g -O2" \
       THREAD_KIND="native" \
       TRACE="no" \
    make[1]: Entering directory `/cygdrive/d/c-dev/tools/b-gcc/gcc/ada'
    make -C rts CC="../../xgcc -B../../" \
            INCLUDES="-I. -I.. -I../..
    -I/cygdrive/d/c-dev/tools/gcc-3.4.3/gcc/ada/.. -I./../.." \
                    CFLAGS="-g -O2  -fexceptions -DIN_RTS" \
        srcdir=/cygdrive/d/c-dev/tools/gcc-3.4.3/gcc/ada \
            -f ../Makefile adaint.o argv.o cio.o cstreams.o ctrl_c.o
    errno.o exit.o raise.o sysdep.o aux-io.o init.o cal.o final.o
    tracebak.o expect.o mkdir.o socket.o
    make[2]: Entering directory `/cygdrive/d/c-dev/tools/b-gcc/gcc/ada/rts'
    make[2]: `adaint.o' is up to date.
    make[2]: `argv.o' is up to date.
    make[2]: `cio.o' is up to date.
    make[2]: `cstreams.o' is up to date.
    make[2]: `ctrl_c.o' is up to date.
    make[2]: `errno.o' is up to date.
    make[2]: `exit.o' is up to date.
    make[2]: `raise.o' is up to date.
    make[2]: `sysdep.o' is up to date.
    make[2]: `aux-io.o' is up to date.
    make[2]: `init.o' is up to date.
    make[2]: `cal.o' is up to date.
    make[2]: `final.o' is up to date.
    make[2]: `tracebak.o' is up to date.
    make[2]: `expect.o' is up to date.
    make[2]: `mkdir.o' is up to date.
    make[2]: `socket.o' is up to date.
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/d/c-dev/tools/b-gcc/gcc/ada/rts'
    make -C rts CC="../../xgcc -B../../" \
            ADA_INCLUDES="" \
                    CFLAGS="-g -O2" \
            ADAFLAGS="-W -Wall -gnatpg" \
        srcdir=/cygdrive/d/c-dev/tools/gcc-3.4.3/gcc/ada \
            -f ../Makefile \
            a-caldel.o a-calend.o a-chahan.o a-charac.o a-chlat1.o
    a-chlat9.o a-colien.o a-colire.o a-comlin.o a-cwila1.o a-cwila9.o
    a-decima.o a-diocst.o a-direio.o a-einuoc.o a-elchha.o a-except.o
    a-exctra.o a-filico.o a-finali.o a-flteio.o a-fwteio.o a-inteio.o
    a-ioexce.o a-iwteio.o a-lfteio.o a-lfwtio.o a-liteio.o a-liwtio.o
    a-llftio.o a-llfwti.o a-llitio.o a-lliwti.o a-ncelfu.o a-ngcefu.o
    a-ngcoty.o a-ngelfu.o a-nlcefu.o a-nlcoty.o a-nlelfu.o a-nllcef.o
    a-nllcty.o a-nllefu.o a-nscefu.o a-nscoty.o a-nselfu.o a-nucoty.o
    a-nudira.o a-nuelfu.o a-nuflra.o a-numaux.o a-numeri.o a-sequio.o
    a-sfteio.o a-sfwtio.o a-siocst.o a-siteio.o a-siwtio.o a-ssicst.o
    a-ssitio.o a-ssiwti.o a-stmaco.o a-storio.o a-strbou.o a-stream.o
    a-strfix.o a-string.o a-strmap.o a-strsea.o a-strsup.o a-strunb.o
    a-ststio.o a-stunau.o a-stwibo.o a-stwifi.o a-stwima.o a-stwise.o
    a-stwisu.o a-stwiun.o a-suteio.o a-swuwti.o a-swmwco.o a-tags.o
    a-teioed.o a-textio.o a-ticoau.o a-ticoio.o a-tideau.o a-tideio.o
    a-tienau.o a-tienio.o a-tifiio.o a-tiflau.o a-tiflio.o a-tigeau.o
    a-tiinau.o a-tiinio.o a-timoau.o a-timoio.o a-tiocst.o a-titest.o
    a-unccon.o a-uncdea.o a-witeio.o a-wtcoau.o a-wtcoio.o a-wtcstr.o
    a-wtdeau.o a-wtdeio.o a-wtedit.o a-wtenau.o a-wtenio.o a-wtfiio.o
    a-wtflau.o a-wtflio.o a-wtgeau.o a-wtinau.o a-wtinio.o a-wtmoau.o
    a-wtmoio.o a-wttest.o ada.o calendar.o g-arrspl.o g-awk.o g-bubsor.o
    g-busora.o g-busorg.o g-calend.o g-casuti.o g-catiio.o g-cgi.o
    g-cgicoo.o g-cgideb.o g-comlin.o g-comver.o g-crc32.o g-ctrl_c.o
    g-curexc.o g-debuti.o g-debpoo.o g-diopit.o g-dirope.o g-dyntab.o
    g-except.o g-excact.o g-exctra.o g-expect.o g-flocon.o g-heasor.o
    g-hesora.o g-hesorg.o g-htable.o g-io.o g-io_aux.o g-locfil.o
    g-md5.o g-memdum.o g-moreex.o g-os_lib.o g-perhas.o g-pehage.o
    g-regexp.o g-regpat.o g-sestin.o g-soccon.o g-socket.o g-socthi.o
    g-soliop.o g-souinf.o g-speche.o g-spipat.o g-spitbo.o g-sptabo.o
    g-sptain.o g-sptavs.o g-string.o g-strspl.o g-table.o g-tasloc.o
    g-traceb.o g-wistsp.o gnat.o i-c.o i-cexten.o i-cobol.o i-cpoint.o
    i-cpp.o i-cstrea.o i-cstrin.o i-fortra.o i-pacdec.o interfac.o
    ioexcept.o machcode.o s-addima.o s-arit64.o s-assert.o s-atacco.o
    s-auxdec.o s-bitops.o s-boarop.o s-carsi8.o s-carun8.o s-casi16.o
    s-casi32.o s-casi64.o s-casuti.o s-caun16.o s-caun32.o s-caun64.o
    s-chepoo.o s-crtl.o s-crc32.o s-direio.o s-errrep.o s-except.o
    s-exctab.o s-exnint.o s-exnllf.o s-exnlli.o s-expint.o s-explli.o
    s-expllu.o s-expmod.o s-expuns.o s-fatflt.o s-fatgen.o s-fatlfl.o
    s-fatllf.o s-fatsfl.o s-ficobl.o s-fileio.o s-finimp.o s-finroo.o
    s-fore.o s-geveop.o s-htable.o s-imgbiu.o s-imgboo.o s-imgcha.o
    s-imgdec.o s-imgenu.o s-imgint.o s-imgllb.o s-imglld.o s-imglli.o
    s-imgllu.o s-imgllw.o s-imgrea.o s-imguns.o s-imgwch.o s-imgwiu.o
    s-io.o s-gloloc.o s-maccod.o s-mantis.o s-mastop.o s-osprim.o
    s-pack03.o s-pack05.o s-pack06.o s-pack07.o s-pack09.o s-pack10.o
    s-pack11.o s-pack12.o s-pack13.o s-pack14.o s-pack15.o s-pack17.o
    s-pack18.o s-pack19.o s-pack20.o s-pack21.o s-pack22.o s-pack23.o
    s-pack24.o s-pack25.o s-pack26.o s-pack27.o s-pack28.o s-pack29.o
    s-pack30.o s-pack31.o s-pack33.o s-pack34.o s-pack35.o s-pack36.o
    s-pack37.o s-pack38.o s-pack39.o s-pack40.o s-pack41.o s-pack42.o
    s-pack43.o s-pack44.o s-pack45.o s-pack46.o s-pack47.o s-pack48.o
    s-pack49.o s-pack50.o s-pack51.o s-pack52.o s-pack53.o s-pack54.o
    s-pack55.o s-pack56.o s-pack57.o s-pack58.o s-pack59.o s-pack60.o
    s-pack61.o s-pack62.o s-pack63.o s-parame.o s-parint.o s-pooglo.o
    s-pooloc.o s-poosiz.o s-powtab.o s-purexc.o s-rident.o s-rpc.o
    s-scaval.o s-secsta.o s-sequio.o s-shasto.o s-sopco3.o s-sopco4.o
    s-sopco5.o s-stache.o s-stalib.o s-stoele.o s-stopoo.o s-stratt.o
    s-strops.o s-soflin.o s-memory.o s-memcop.o s-traceb.o s-traces.o
    s-traent.o s-unstyp.o s-vaflop.o s-valboo.o s-valcha.o s-valdec.o
    s-valenu.o s-valint.o s-vallld.o s-vallli.o s-valllu.o s-valrea.o
    s-valuns.o s-valuti.o s-valwch.o s-veboop.o s-vector.o s-vercon.o
    s-vmexta.o s-wchcnv.o s-wchcon.o s-wchjis.o s-wchstw.o s-wchwts.o
    s-widboo.o s-widcha.o s-widenu.o s-widlli.o s-widllu.o s-widwch.o
    s-wwdcha.o s-wwdenu.o s-wwdwch.o system.o text_io.o  a-dynpri.o
    a-interr.o a-intsig.o a-intnam.o a-reatim.o a-retide.o a-sytaco.o
    a-tasatt.o a-taside.o g-boubuf.o g-boumai.o g-semaph.o g-signal.o
    g-thread.o s-asthan.o s-inmaop.o s-interr.o s-intman.o s-osinte.o
    s-proinf.o s-taenca.o s-taprob.o s-taprop.o s-tarest.o s-tasdeb.o
    s-tasinf.o s-tasini.o s-taskin.o s-taspri.o s-tasque.o s-tasres.o
    s-tasren.o s-tassta.o s-tasuti.o s-taasde.o s-tadeca.o s-tadert.o
    s-tataat.o s-tpinop.o s-tpoben.o s-tpobop.o s-tposen.o s-tratas.o 
    g-trasym.o memtrack.o
    make[2]: Entering directory `/cygdrive/d/c-dev/tools/b-gcc/gcc/ada/rts'

    ...  quite a long series of successful compilations ....

    ../../xgcc -B../../ -c -g -O2      -W -Wall -gnatpg  s-taprop.adb -o
    s-taprop.adb:113:04: warning: "ATCB_Key" is never assigned a value
    s-tpopsp.adb:59:07: warning: "Result" is never assigned a value
    s-tpopsp.adb:79:07: warning: "Result" is never assigned a value
    make[2]: *** [s-taprop.o] Error 1
    make[2]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/d/c-dev/tools/b-gcc/gcc/ada/rts'
    make[1]: *** [gnatlib] Error 2
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/d/c-dev/tools/b-gcc/gcc/ada'
    make: *** [gnatlib] Error 2
    make: Leaving directory `/cygdrive/d/c-dev/tools/b-gcc/gcc'

The warnings line numbers do not relate to any meaningful contents of 
s-taprop.adb.  Also, there is no s-taprop.o, although these are only 
warnings, not errors.  s-taprop.adb is actualy 7staprop.adb.
Any Ideas?  Help?
I've read the previous correspondance on the list, cyting 3.2.3 as the 
last version of GCC that was able to successfuly build an Ada cross 
compiler.  However, I do not have an 3.2.x native Ada compiler, and 
trying to build gcc 3.2.3 with the 3.4.1 host compiler that I have 
'naturaly' fails (because of the known and dreaded Ada backward 
incompatibility issue)

Avy Strominger
astrominger at yahoo.com

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