Something screwed up in PROJECT_ROOT or PROJECT_TOPdir

Peter Dufault dufault at
Sat Feb 19 15:12:54 UTC 2005

I've got something screwed up with my configuration.

For example, in c/src/optman on 4.6.99 the Makefile is doing "-isystem 
../../../mvme5500/lib/include", but the <rtems/foo.h> includes are in 
../../../../mvme5500/lib/include (another ../).  I couldn't figure out 
why this happened, I finally added an extra "-isystem" to the Makefile 
to get it to build, but of course I just bumped into the same problem 
further on in another directory.  From looking at the Makefile I assume 
something is wrong with PROJECT_INCLUDE or PROJECT_TOPdir.

Any hints?

Host info, configuration, etc, in the attachment.

Peter Dufault
HD Associates, Inc.
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