howto include data files in rtems exe

Joel Sherrill <> joel.sherrill at
Tue Feb 8 19:19:10 UTC 2005

Philippe Simons wrote:
> Hi,
> i'd like to include some files in the rtems exe
> i'm using rtems with an embeded system, so i dont have any ide device
> which i could mount
> so how can I access files from my apps?
> is there a way to include a pre-made IMFS in the rtems.exe which i could
> mount? or i dont know...

The netdemo httpd includes an example of doing this.  The trick is to
make a tarball of your initial filesystem image, use objcopy to convert 
it from binary to a .o for the target, and then link it with your 
application.  There is a method to call which will untar it as your 
initial filesystem image.

> Philippe
> PS:Joel, seems like you still didnt received my BSP patch (problem with
> email?)

I have it.  I have a huge deadline Monday (on top of it being 
Valentine's Day) and haven't gotten to it yet.

If anyone with CVS write permission wants to review it and merge it 
before me, ping me.  It is a BSP for the ARM based GP32 handheld game 

Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research & Development
joel at                 On-Line Applications Research
Ask me about RTEMS: a free RTOS  Huntsville AL 35805
    Support Available             (256) 722-9985

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