Fwd: Re: [OpenH323]Cross Compile

Steve Holle sholle at link-comm.com
Tue Jan 4 15:47:59 UTC 2005

I'm trying to build the OpenH323 libraries and they are looking for what 
looks like the pthread and c_r libraries.  I've built RTEMS with the 
  switch and it seems to generate many posix object files but not these two 
libraries.  Are these libraries included in another library?

>To: openh323 at openh323.org, openh323 at openh323.org
>From: Steve Holle <sholle at link-comm.com>
>Subject: Re: [OpenH323]Cross Compile
>At 02:59 PM 1/3/2005, Craig Southeren wrote:
>>On Mon, 03 Jan 2005 14:34:42 -0700
>>Steve Holle <sholle at link-comm.com> wrote:
>> > I get the following errors :
>> >
>> > checking if Unix semaphores are available... no
>> > configure: WARNING: This host does not support semaphores which are 
>> essential
>> > configure: WARNING: to implement 'critical sections'. This feature was 
>> added
>> > configure: WARNING: in PWLib 1.7.0 and improves the stability of 
>> multithreaded
>> > configure: WARNING: programs. This feature has been disabled for this host
>> > checking for pthread_create in -lpthread... no
>> > checking for pthread_create in -lc_r... no
>> > configure: error: must have pthreads!
>> >
>> > rtems does support pthreads. but I can't figure out how to tell the
>> > configure program.
>>configure is looking in the -lpthread and -lc_r libraries for pthreads
>>functions, and is not finding them. Either these libraries are not
>>available or not correct for RTEMS. It will be necessary to fix or
>>supplement these tests in order for configure to complete.
>>    Craig
>>  Craig Southeren      craigs at postincrement.com / craigs at voxgratia.org
>>  Phone:  +61 243654666      ICQ: #86852844
>>  Fax:    +61 243673140      MSN: craig_southeren at hotmail.com
>>  Mobile: +61 417231046   Jabber: craigs at jabber.voxgratia.org
>>  Post Increment - Consulting & Services    http://www.postincrement.com
>>  Vox Gratia - The Open Source VoIP portal  http://www.voxgratia.org
>>  Raving Of A Strange Mind - the VoIP blog  http://www.southeren.com/blog
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>Steve Holle
>Link Communications, Inc.
>1035 Cerise Rd.
>Billings, MT  59101
>sholle at link-comm.com  

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