RTEMS 4.6.2 build problem using cygwin, "multiple target patterns"

Chris Welch cwelch at neumes.com
Tue Jan 4 17:13:31 UTC 2005

I did a search on the RTEMS wiki but couldn't find anything relating to this


I'm currently trying to move an existing RTEMS 4.5.0 application over to
4.6.2 using cygwin as a development environment.  Cygwin had been used
without a problem for all the previous 4.5.0 work.


To get the environment started I upgraded the cygwin environment.  This was
necessary to support the newer RTEMS cygwin tools.  The existing environment
gave a procedure not found error in the main cygwin DLL library. 


I then tried to perform a build on the generic 4.6.2 tree without any
changes to the existing code base.


The configuration (not significantly different from what was used with the
4.5.0 code base):


../rtems-4.6.2/configure -host=-i686-cygwin -target=m68k-rtems
-program-prefix=m68k=rtems -disable-networking -disable-posix -disable-itron
-enable-cxx -disable-tcpip -prefix=/cygdrive/c/dev/rtems


The make command (this is just to make sure an existing BSP can build


make RTEMS_BSP=mrm332 SIM_MM=1 VARIANT=DEBUG install


The problem I have is that I get a make error "mutilple target patterns"
from make (v 3.80, same version as was used for 4.5.0 builds) in the
m68k-rtems/c/mrm332/optman Makefile line 567.


Line 567 is the instruction following the $(PROJECT_RELEASE)/lib target:



            @$(mkinstalldirs) $@


I also tried building the efi332 BSP and had the same failure.


In summary, what I'm encountering is that an out of the box cygwin build
fails for the m68k efi332 and mrm332 BSPs.  


This appears to be a generic problem as attempting to build all of the BSPs
fails (i.e. not specifying a RTEMS_BSP target).  The same error is generated
as soon as the build starts on the dmv152 BSP.


Is a different setup then 4.5.0 (i.e. any file tweaks, custom make, etc)
required for the cygwin environment to build 4.6.2 properly?


Are the dmv152, efi332 and mrm332 BSPs (or any other m68k BSPs) out of the
box builds with cygwin now faulty?


If they are faulty what is a working m68k BSP build target under cygwin?


Thanks much!



Chris Welch, Neumes Consulting, PC and UNIX Solutions

mailto:cwelch at neumes.com (613)797-7831 FAX:(613)838-5602



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