netdemo echoServer issue [was: Re: listen/select and then accept pattern not working?]

Karel Gardas kgardas at
Mon Jan 17 15:40:11 UTC 2005


finally I'm able to run MICO-based CORBA server on RTEMS. The only issue
is that the server seems to be somewhat limited in a number of connection
it can open/serve. Precisely, it is able to serve/use just one TCPIP
connection. My listen/select issue was caused directly by this fact, since
before running whole CORBA server logic, MICO tries to find the name of
the computer which results in a remote connection going outside (DNS) --
at least I see opened socket in my debug printf hacks done to the
under-laying RTEMS. Then when server tries to do its thing it was not able
since the only one available connection was already consumed. When I force
MICO to not do any resolving and so not opening any connection outside
before serving its client, I'm finally able to get hello world server on
RTEMS running and even serving its client well, but as I said, the number
of clients served is exactly one: the first client runs well and the
second, third, etc, are not working since they are not able to connect
server side. (clients are running on Linux and server on RTEMS)

I hope that this has to do with some direct limit set in RTEMS, I would
like to avoid this or make somewhat bigger and so I'm writing here. Is
there any tunable number of socket like parameter/define for RTEMS? You
can duplicate this issue yourself hopefully easily just by using plain
RTEMS netdemo -- try to use echo server functionality more than once by
opening, writing, closing telnet connection and see that the second and
more connection will not get entered character echoed. If I'm wrong and
your netdemo works well for you, please correct me here.

PS: RTEMS is 4-6-branch sources as of today compiled with 4.6.2
recommended tool-chain configured for pc386 BSP running inside Qemu (qemu
is not the culprit here, since it's networking is working well with
OpenBSD OS inside Qemu used from my linux box)

On Fri, 14 Jan 2005, Karel Gardas wrote:

> On Fri, 14 Jan 2005, Steve Holle wrote:
> > We are using select on a telnet server.  If you would like to have the full
> > source let me know.  This is how we use it
> Thanks for your kind offer, however I don't know if your telnet server
> uses the same pattern like MICO does. Anyway, could you be so kind and
> test my select on listening socket test which I'm just going to send to
> this mailing list?
> Thanks,
> Karel
> --
> Karel Gardas                  kgardas at
> ObjectSecurity Ltd. 

Karel Gardas                  kgardas at
ObjectSecurity Ltd. 

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