PCI lookup issue: 3c905C-TX not found by RTEMS.

Karel Gardas kgardas at objectsecurity.com
Mon Jan 24 19:40:53 UTC 2005

On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 gregory.menke at gsfc.nasa.gov wrote:

>  > you are probably right, only one thing makes me wonder, my BIOS prints
>  > listing of PCI devices together with assigned IRQ before booting OS.
>  >
> Thats a good sign.  What I'd try to do now is use the pci read/write
> functions you see in pcibios.c to probe the bus, retrieving the device
> type, interrupt vector and base addresses.  For pci bridges, you can
> look beyond them for other devices on the bus.
> Your approach to use Linux/bsd to get bus & slot numbers is good, you
> will be able to confirm what your tests show.
> To do this, you will need to understand the pci bus a little better;
> how the address ranges and configuration transactions work.  If you
> look at the pci support in the motorola_shared bsp, you'll see the
> routine it uses to compute interrupt vectors, which should be of some
> help as far as how config registers are retrieved and updated.  The
> motorola_shared bootstrap code handles configuring ranges which might
> also be helpful.

Perhaps I can at least give it a try. But anyway, short question: is
4-6-branch and trunk very similar w.r.t. pc386 pci or should I do this
hacking directly on trunk? (so far I've hacked rtems-4-6-branch).

Karel Gardas                  kgardas at objectsecurity.com
ObjectSecurity Ltd.           http://www.objectsecurity.com

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