Help needed using i386-rtems-gcc [need speed]

Joel Sherrill <> joel.sherrill at
Mon Jan 10 12:11:30 UTC 2005

joe gard wrote:
> Hi, thanks again...
> What I need is to compile exe to maximum speed...

Most BSPs are already using CPU_CFLAGS which are very close to
optimal.  You can always tinker with the optimizations settings
there because gcc is definitely a moving target and there might
be some tuning to do but it shold be very close.


> joe
>> From: "Joel Sherrill <joel at>" <joel.sherrill at>
>> Reply-To: joel.sherrill at
>> To: joe gard <joe_os2001 at>
>> CC: Thomas.Doerfler at,  rtems-users at
>> Subject: Re: Help needed using i386-rtems-gcc
>> Date: Thu, 06 Jan 2005 17:27:42 -0600
>> joe gard wrote:
>>> thank you in first place,
>>> unfortunatly it doesn´t help me. I have a rtems app that I want to 
>>> put to work in the real world. So I want to compile it without eny 
>>> debug info, in order to get a app targeted for speed at the maximum. 
>>> So I have to compile it without debug info right?
>>> How Do I do that is I use the make file of the hello world sample? 
>>> this make file calls the i386-rtems-cc which ises always the -g 
>>> option. I need to remove it but I dont know where is the -g option 
>>> configured to remove it...
>>> By other side rtems app is linked to the kernel, right? So I also 
>>> have to compile the kernel in "release" mode, right?  how do I do 
>>> that if I use the make all install to compile the kernel?
>> -g only means that symbolic debug information is in the RTEMS libraries.
>> That symbolic information is included with your linked application 
>> unless strip it.
>>> The ask is this:  Which is the standar method to release a rtems app 
>>> to the real world in terms of release version?
>> I would hazard a guess that there is no "standard" way. SOme people may
>> want to debug in the field.  Sometimes you have to convert to a specific
>> format to download.  But for sure if you are trying to shrink the file
>> size, get rid of the debug information.  See
>>> Many thanks
>>> Joe
>>>> From: "Thomas Doerfler" <Thomas.Doerfler at>
>>>> To: "joe gard" <joe_os2001 at>
>>>> Subject: Re: Help needed using i386-rtems-gcc
>>>> Date: Wed, 05 Jan 2005 20:54:48 +0100
>>>> Joe,
>>>> the make file infrastructure for RTEMS is quite complicated, so
>>>> I would leave it as it is.
>>>> If you need an executable without symbol/debug information, you
>>>> might use the GNU tool
>>>> i386-rtems-strip -S <filename>
>>>> does this help you?
>>>> wkr,
>>>> Thomas.
>>>> > Hi!
>>>> > I would like to compile the hello world sample in release version, 
>>>> that
>>>> > is, without any debug information, targeted to i686 as always.
>>>> > So, I have to remeve the -g Wall flags right, but where is the file
>>>> > where this flag is?
>>>> > The make file of the hello world sample doenst include these flags I
>>>> > already search in other conf files but I cant see the flat in 
>>>> order to
>>>> > remove it...
>>>> > Can someone tell me how do I turn off the debug info in the target
>>>> > executable?
>>>> >
>>>> > Many thanks
>>>> >
>>>> > Joe
>>>> >
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>>>> IMD Ingenieurbuero fuer Microcomputertechnik
>>>> Thomas Doerfler           Herbststrasse 8
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>>>> email:    Thomas.Doerfler at
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>> Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research & Development
>> joel at                 On-Line Applications Research
>> Ask me about RTEMS: a free RTOS  Huntsville AL 35805
>>    Support Available             (256) 722-9985
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Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research & Development
joel at                 On-Line Applications Research
Ask me about RTEMS: a free RTOS  Huntsville AL 35805
    Support Available             (256) 722-9985

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