rtems_dhcp.c preprocessor defs/data types

Krystian Lewandowski citan at kolos.math.uni.lodz.pl
Thu Jul 14 21:04:29 UTC 2005

Hello again,

i'm still writing dhcpd server (should be, "i'm trying to";).

file i found definitions and data types, which i must use in my

Is there any possibility to move this entries to "rtems/dhcp.h" (which
is included in rtems_dhcp.c) and make it available to user apps (include
this header file in RTEMS /include/)?

Of course i can write definitions from scratch, but maybe it's not good
idea to double it.

Interesting entries are:
DHCP flags,
DHCP Op Codes,
DHCP Messages,
DHCP Options,
struct dhcp_packet.


(sorry for my poor english)
Krystian Lewandowski

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