
Yacine EL KOLLI yacine.elkolli at crf.canon.fr
Mon Jul 4 07:31:18 UTC 2005

Ed Sutter wrote:
> Hi!,
> I built the gen405 bsp, with minor modifications to the serial
> port, and when I run it, it drops off the end of the earth when
> _init() is called out of _Thread_Handler().  I see that _init
> is essentially a function prolog, and according to the "Using C++"
> Wiki documentation (thanks Chris) it should be followed by all
> of the constructor initialization calls, and then an epilog.
> I can't find any of that in my build (I'm not even using C++).
> Symbolically, the next entry is _fini, which appears to also be
> a prolog.  After that is just some other data totally unrelated
> to this; hence the execution just takes an exception at that point.
> The Wiki says that alignment of the prolog/calls/epilog is pretty
> tricky and requires that...
>  "... gcc configuration, linkcmds and bsp_specs must harmonize ..."
> At the moment, I'm simply trying to run the hello_world_c demo.
> I used the "off-the-shelf" stuff from the rtems site (rtems4.6.2,
> gcc-3.2.3, binutils-, newlib-1.11.0, examples-4.6.2), so
> before I start pulling what little hair I have left out, can someone
> give me a clue as to whether or not this should work by default or not?
> By the way, if I simply remove the call to _init(), the app runs
> fine; however, I want to make sure that's an ok thing to do.
> Thanks for any help in advance!
> Ed Sutter


Your problem seems similar to Pr378:

Hope this help

Y. EL Kolli
EL KOLLI Yacine         | yacine.elkolli at crf.canon.fr
Canon C.R.F.            | Phone: +33.(0)
http://www.crf.canon.fr | FAX: +33.(0)

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