CVS checkout

Joel Sherrill <> joel.sherrill at
Fri Jun 10 17:38:56 UTC 2005

emu at wrote:
>>RTEMS uses autoconf and automake tools to generate
>>of the files. These are "generated" files and
>>not usually checked into version control.
>>You will need to generate these files if you wish
>>build from CVS. To generate these you must have
>>autoconf and automake installed... and the
>>correct versions of them.
> That was hopefully the information I was missing ..
>>To generate the files (assuming a valid
>>installation of autoconf and automake( run the script
>>config/bootstrap in the top director of the source tree.
> there is only a bootstrap scripts in the root of rtems ... ?
> (rtems/bootstrap), not rtems/config/bootstrap ...)

Right.. cd rtems and ./bootstrap

> cheers & thanks

Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research & Development
joel at                 On-Line Applications Research
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