Eclipse Device Software Development Platform proposal

Jiri Gaisler jiri at
Fri May 13 14:37:23 UTC 2005

Simple eclipse plugins for embedded software development is
already available. There are plugins for both the Altera
Nios processor and for the ERC32/LEON rad-hard processors.
The later works well with RTEMS, and is also available in
source code:


It allows seemless debugging on both simulator and target
hardware, using the GRMON simulator and target monitor.


Alan Cudmore wrote:
> I thought this would be of interest to RTEMS users:
> Wind River Systems is proposing a Device Software Development Platform 
> for the Eclipse IDE. This aims to be a vendor neutral ( and OS neutral ) 
> platform for developing and debugging embedded software. It is worth a 
> look:
> Alan
> .

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