multilib question

Till Straumann strauman at
Fri Nov 11 19:51:38 UTC 2005


Here's my current method (horrible hack - if anybody knows
of a better one, please post it) to find out what multilibs are
going to be built (without having to wait for hours) while tuning
t-rtems. Of course, this doesn't address more complex issues
raised by Ralf (implicit defaults)...

1) gcc/ (at the end, add a helper rule):

        $(GCC_FOR_TARGET) --print-multi-lib

2) configure and build gcc normally first

3) chdir to <build_top>/gcc

4) show/list multilibs:

       make pmlibs

(not much magic, so far but here it comes:)

5) edit/modify t-rtems (in source tree)

6) check what multilibs the new t-rtems would produce:
      chdir <build_top>/gcc
      make pmlibs

[(6) is much, much faster than rebuilding everything.]

-- Till

Paul Whitfield wrote:

>> If your only objective is to reduce the number of multilibs inside of
>> RTEMS, have a look into RTEMS's There you can filter out
>> multilib variants you're not interested in.
> Thanks Ralf,
> That is indeed all I am was interested in doing..
> With that small pointer I am sure I will be able to figure it out.
> Regards
> Paul.
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