Running RTEMS configure script from Eclipse

Chris Welch cwelch at
Thu Nov 24 02:24:33 UTC 2005

The thing is you don't need the .bat interface at all.  Forking it off via
bash right from the start gives you a much better way of doing things.  Set
up the base script as a bash shell script.  You don't need the whole cygwin
environment to do it.  Bash gives you a full scripting language even without
supporting commands such as sed, awk, grep, etc.  They help, but you don't
have to use them to do basic scripting


Instead of:


      @echo off
      rem The following sets the paths and environment.
      call AutoSetEnv.bat
      %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

Set up a bash shell file you'll start as:

# The following set the paths and environment
export PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:... Whatever"

cd /cygdrive/c/projdir
make $1 2>&1 make.out


Other args are there as $2, $3 etc.

That way you can leverage bash as a scripting environment and get away from
the lame .bat stuff.  

.bat technology is over 20 years old.  Take advantage of the tools you've

Chris Welch, Neumes Consulting, PC and UNIX Solutions
mailto:cwelch at (613)797-7831 FAX:(613)838-5602 

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Johns [mailto:chrisj at] 
Sent: November 23, 2005 7:12 PM
To: Chris Welch
Cc: rtems-users at
Subject: Re: Running RTEMS configure script from Eclipse

Chris Welch wrote:
> I've configured bash to pick up my RTEMS environment so that I don't 
> have to mess around with setting things up everytime I fire off a 
> shell from windows.

This is ok for your setup and will suite most users but some people end 
up with more than cygwin version on their machine and they often to do 
not play well together. The approach I outlined avoids such problems by 
not providing the cygwin configuration as a global setup.

> If you do decide to script things, avoid the suggested .bat solutions 
> and write a short cygwin shell script.  .bat scripting is extremely 
> primative and completely unnecessary with cygwin present.

The batch files are not provided as a way to script, rather a way to 
setup an environment for native Windows programs that do not know how to 
execute a shell script or any thing about cygwin to work. I found this 
to be important with a MinGW based set of tools.

An all Cygwin environment should allow just scripts to be used, how-ever 
I do not use cygwin so cannot say for certain.

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