Adding new BSP's

Corey Schuhen corey_m at
Fri Oct 14 01:23:28 UTC 2005

Hello all,

I am in the process of trying to create a BSP for a MCF548x/MCF547x module 
sold by phytec (1). I started by duplicating the libbsp and libcpu MCF5206* 
directories, .cfg along with changes to various Makefile.* files. So far I 
have interrupt-driven serial and the clock timer working. Both the Hello and 
Ticker sample applications seem to work.

What is the procedure for supplying my mods back to the project? Should I be 
creating a patch or requesting CVS access? Which branch(s) am I best to work 
with? Currently I am working off the 4.6.4 release from tarballs.




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