Alexander I. Shaykhrazeev alexsh at design.morion.ru
Thu Aug 17 02:39:19 UTC 2006

Sorry, for wrong information.
It's great that it's flase, becouse we also need this fs port on RTEMS. 
Is there another POSIX compatible fs for RTEMS?
What kind of media are you using? We are using DiskOnChip G3/G4 (with 
modified TrueFFS/SureFS) and planing to migrate to Intel StrataFlash P3.
Our company are developing our own SBC's using Freescale CPU's and using 
them in our products.

Jay Monkman wrote:
> Joel Sherrill wrote:
>> Chris Johns wrote:
>>> Alexander I. Shaykhrazeev wrote:
>>>> Greetings,
>>>> I can only distress you about JFFS port for RTEMS, it's unavailable
>>>> and imposible, becouse of some technical reasons, for example no
>>>> virtual memory support, and other things, avalable on Linux. Intel
>>>> guy tell us that it's imposible to make such port, when we made
>>>> decision about to use StrataFlash in our project.
> Sorry, I've been out and just saw this.
> I do have an incomplete port of JFFS2 to RTEMS. I don't know where you heard
> that it needs virtual memory support, but that's completely false.
> The port that I have has almost everything working, but there are some features
> I haven't finished, so I haven't submitted it yet.

Alexander I. Shaykhrazeev
Morion Inc.

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