Brett Swimley brett.swimley at aedbozeman.com
Tue Aug 8 21:30:05 UTC 2006

Nigel Spon wrote:
> On 09/08/2006, at 4:40 AM, Brett Swimley wrote:
>> We're considering using UPnP in an RTEMS device to ease in device 
>> discovery and configuration from a host PC.  Has anyone done this 
>> with RTEMS, and if so, would you be willing to share any tips and 
>> techniques (including any downsides to implementing)?
> Um, er, looked at this at once... quite closely... and decided to use 
> Apples Bonjour instead...
Actually, I ran across Bonjour after this post.  This does look to be a 
nice solution - much more lightweight and easier to implement if I 
understand correctly.

Thanks for the response.

> ---
> " I was taken out into a pleasant exercise yard and offered a cigarette.
> After a few moments I perceived a line of gentlemen with rifles. They 
> were
> looking in my direction. I looked around, but I could not see the 
> target."
> Nigel Spon
> ADInstruments Ltd, Dunedin, NZ

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