Brett Swimley brett.swimley at aedbozeman.com
Thu Aug 17 15:27:27 UTC 2006

Joel Sherrill wrote:
> Jay Monkman wrote:
>> Alexander I. Shaykhrazeev wrote:
>>> Is there another POSIX compatible fs for RTEMS?
>> I don't know of any other supported filesystems than the IMFS and DOSFS.
> Not that they meet Alexander's requirements but there are two other 
> networked
> filesystems -- a tftp client system and an NFS client.  And for ROMing 
> the initial
> contents, we have the "TAR FS" extension to the IMFS.
I'm just completing putting together a Flash FS for RTEMS that is based 
on IMFS, but I'd be interested in using JFFS instead when it's 
available.  I've got a bit more testing to do with it, but I could 
probably put together a tarball if anyone's interested.

My file system has been used mainly with AMD (Spansion) parts. 


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