Xilinx IP core drivers for RTEMS- diff attached

Keith Robertson kjrobert at alumni.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Dec 6 13:10:18 UTC 2006

Robert S. Grimes wrote:
> I have used the plb_temac component, and have assumed I'll continue to do
> so.  However, I'm not really tied to it.  In fact, I'm not sure I fully
> understand something here.  I had originally been using pretty much the
> out-of-box demo for the FX12-based ML403 board, but noticed that the soft
> core emac used up a large amount of FPGA resources (IIRC 35-40% ?).  I
> thought using the TEMAC would cut this way down, but the
> plb_temac/hard_temac combination seems to take up almost as much, again
> IIRC.  (Sorry, I'm at home right now, and my computer at work just died
> anyway, so the real numbers are not available as I write this.)

Are you sure you're using the hard core emac?  AFAIK, the temac 
component can be instantiated in several ways.  It can be used as an 
stand alone soft core emac (suitable for the Spartan, or other chips 
without a hard core emac) or you can instantiate just the logic to 
connect from the ppc405 to the hard core emac (probably what most 
virtex4fx users would want).



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