RTEMS Dowload Helper

Amalaye Oyake amalaye.oyake at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Dec 19 22:17:52 UTC 2006

While using the download helper ( www.rtems.com/down/html ) I selected


RTEMS Version:     4.6.6

Target CPU Family: i386, etc

Development Host:  GNU/Linux x86


[X] Tools Source

[X] C++ Binaries


and I did not see any tool source or tool binaries. Where can I get the tool
sources for an x86 development host?



* Amalaye Oyake                                    *

* Flight Software Applications & Data Product Mgmt */\

* 818.393.7168 work   818.653.4748 cell            *||

* Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena  CA 91109   */||\


@@@ personal opinions expressed represent only the views of the author @@@


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