Xilinx IP core drivers for RTEMS- diff attached

Chris Caudle chris at chriscaudle.org
Thu Dec 7 16:15:30 UTC 2006

> I like the new bsp idea as well.

I would like to add a vote for new BSP as well.
There are six models of PowerPC 405 devices with IBM designed peripherals
which are likely to not be the same as the peripherals you end up with in
a Virtex.

Unless a "BSP" could be designed in such a way that you could call in
instances of either the IBM peripherals in the appropriate addresses to
use them on a 405GP, 405CR, 405EP, etc. I think it would be confusing to
use the same name for the processor products integrated with peripherals,
and the processor core embedded in an FPGA.

Chris Caudle

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