Sleep() isn't sleepy

Ralph Preston rpreston at
Wed Feb 8 17:54:25 UTC 2006


Yesterday I was testing some code and threw in a sleep() statement to aid
debugging. It didn't work, and unfortunately, it seems to be more difficult
that I imagined it would be.  The code compiles and runs but doesn't sleep,
I haven't stepped through the code yet to see exactly what's happening to
the sleep() since I thought it's probably a #define, or something simple
that I've missed.

I know I enabled the posix api with --enable-posix.

I'm using the hello_world_c makefile as a starting point and added "timer"
and "clock" to the managers.

To the code I added:
#include <time.h>

Is there anything else I need to do to get sleep() to work?

Ralph A. Preston
The MITRE Corporation
202 Burlington Road MS E095
Bedford, MA 01730
Phone: 781-271-7914   Fax: 781-271-8915   Cell: 617-335-2226

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