Regarding Simple Makefile + OMK template alternative

robe0413 at robe0413 at
Wed Jul 19 06:22:10 UTC 2006

Hello Pavel,

> It seems to me, that you do not link your application with RTEMS
> libraries. You need to add next line to the Makefile
>   LDFLAGS += -B/home/vipre/david/rtems-os/i386-rtems/pc386/lib/ -specs
> bsp_specs -qrtems
> Even that is not fully correct, because you should invoke GCC with
> options specified in
>   /home/vipre/david/rtems-os/i386-rtems/pc386/

I added your suggested changes to my Makefile, where it will now compile and
link successfully. However when I try to boot the application I get the
following error:
"Error 7: Loading below 1MB is not supported"

Now I googled this and found that this error message can be reported from GRUB,
which I do use, but it was never reported previously when booting the RTEMS
sample applications with GRUB. Therefore I don't think it is totally isolated
to GRUB, but I don't know how to fix it, so do you or anyone else have any
reason why you think this may be occuring?

> You can also try our OMK (OCERA Makefile) solution
> if you have a little brave soul. Next URL points to template
> which we use to start new applications.
> It requires to provide only pointer to installed RTEMS library directory
> for your target in the "" file. You would need to use
> next pointer in the file "" for your target probably:
>   RTEMS_MAKEFILE_PATH=/home/vipre/david/rtems-os/i386-rtems/pc386/
> The template provides base for building libraries and applications.
> It can even link initialization contents for target filesystem
> into application. The build is not controlled by Makefile files
> but by Makefile.omk ones. Their syntax is modelled close to
> Automake files but it is interpretted directly by GNU make.
> There is one requirement for our Makefile.rules usage, you need
> to use/update to GNU make-3.81 or newer. Older versions has bugs which
> cannot be workaround easily for our concept.

I was going to try to use your OMK template, however I was unable to get GNU
make-3.81 on and it is going to be a long task to get the latest version on my
developement system. So I would prefer to try and get it working via the first
solution (the simple makefile), where if all else fails I will need to update
my developement system for the use of the OMK template.

If anyone else has any feedback I would greatly apprieciate it.

David Roberts

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