hello_world and libnetworking

Denny.Bai baishaolin at gmail.com
Sat Jun 3 14:38:02 UTC 2006

When i complie rtems , i configure it with "--enable-networking".
so the libnetworking_a-rtems_glue.o which refers to the
rtems_bsdnet_config variable is wrapped into the librtemscpu.a.
If  compiling runs into hello_world example in testsuites, hello_world
will link with librtemscpu.a .   So rtems_bsdnet_config variable will
be needed by librtemscpu.a   , but hello_world desn't use network
functions and desn't provide the rtems_bsdnet_config varible.
So compiling rtems will be interrupted  and error shows
"librtemscpu.a(libnetworking_a-rtems_glue.o) : In function
: undefined reference to rtems_bsdnet_config

i did't encounter this problems before when i complied the rtems.

how can i disable compiling the testsuites and make the compiling go on?

Northeastern  University, ShenYang,China

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