RES: RTEMS with C++

Fabrício de Novaes Kucinskis fabricio at
Thu Oct 19 17:56:26 UTC 2006

Hi Chris,

> I tend to look at classes and threads in the opposite way. I write a
> class for a specific purpose and if it needs a thread I embed one in
> that class where a member function is the thread body.

And how do you do this? Do you pass a method of an object as the entry point
for a task?

I tried this:

	rtems_task_start(id, MyObj.Method, 0);

Where 'Method' is defined in the class definition as:

	rtems_task Method(rtems_task_argument);

But it didn't work. The compiler argues that there's "no matches converting
function 'Method' to type 'rtems_task'".

What I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,


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